Wiping and absorption products for industrial use

Our industrial wiper service provides products for the handling of industrial dirt and hazardous waste. We pick up dirty wipers and absorption mats for laundry regularly and deliver clean replacements at the same time. Our cost efficient service ensures that you always have enough clean wipers and absorption mats in use and your premises stay clean thanks to the collector bins included in our service. Switch to a care free service and let us handle the disposal of your hazardous waste responsibly!

Benefits of our wiper service


Wiper Benefits 1

Cost efficient solution that
saves you time and money


Wiper Benefits 2

Disposal of hazardous waste
according to regulations


Wiper Benefits 3

Flexible service that easily
adapts to your needs

Our industrial wiper service offers durable wiping products for the handling of industrial and toxic waste. We will deliver you clean wipers and absorption mats at agreed intervals and take used textiles to our laundry. Our service ensures that you always have enough clean wipers and absorption products available for use.

Our service is flexible to your needs and can be adjusted at any time. If you have seasonal changes or have sudden needs for more products, we can make changes to the amount of products delivered to you very flexibly.



Industrial dirt is most often oil and similar dirt classified as hazardous waste. The treatment and disposal of such dirt is regulated by law. We adhere to strict safety and environmental instructions in the handling and transport of our wipers and absorption mats. Switch to our service and rest assured because we will take care of responsible disposal of hazardous waste for you! We can provide you with a report of disposed waste.

Our flexible service model ensures cost-efficiency. By using a recyclable wiping product, waste volumes decrease and the disposal costs of such waste are no longer your concern. To start with our service, there is no initial investments needed – we provide you with the products and containers and you only pay for the small weekly service fee according to how much products you need. Make full use of the cost benefit right away!

We apply with strict safety and environmental instructions when it comes to handling and transportation of our products. Our service process is certified according to ISO 9001:2000 standard.

This is how our wiper service works

FAQ about our wiper service

As a one-time purchase, taking the plunge and buying your own wipes might seem like a good option. However, in industrial use wipes don’t have a very long life cycle and they need to be replaced with new ones frequently.  Taking into consideration the laundry costs and cost of disposing hazardous waste, buying your own wipes starts piling up costs that are difficult to estimate and budget. Then again the quality of disposable wipers is not enough for industrial use and they also create a big waste problem, especially when handling hazardous waste.

Our care free wiper service is more cost efficient than handling all of this on your own. Our service is easy to budget and there are no hidden costs! All of this is automatically included in our service:

  • Acquiring enough wipers for your daily use
  • Wiper containers for both clean and used wipers
  • Laundry
  • Logistics arrangements between laundry service and your facility
  • Meeting the legal obligations of disposing hazardous waste
  • Reports of waste disposal when needed

Absolutely not! We understand the needs of different industries and have a selection of wipes for different kind of wiping and absorption needs. For example, the printing industry requires very high quality wipers that leave no residue on the printing machines – giving the papers and magazines the perfect clean print whereas the automotive industry usually requires wipes and absorption mats that are heavy enough to hold liquids such as oil and grease. Don’t know which wipers are best for you? Don’t worry, we will help you find the best solution for your needs!

What are our wipers designed for?

autokorjaamot konekorjaamot

Garages and service stations

In repair operations, our high-quality and absorbent  industrial wipers are indispensable dirt collectors. The astonishingly absorbent absorption mat made of cotton, on the other hand, serves as a diverse work platform in anticipating accidents, thus, ensuring cost-efficiency.

Teollisuus konepajat kunnossapito

Industry, workshops and maintenance

The excellent absorbency of our industrial wipers, which is up to 6 times better than that of disposable rags, does the wipers justice in all maintenance, industrial and workshop activities. The absorption mats placed underneath receptacles and maintenance items protect work facilities against leaking and spilled liquids.

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Graphic industry

For the ink wiping needs of the graphic industry, we offer our industrial wipers especially designed for the needs of the printing industry and not used in any other industry. Our highly absorbent wipers for maintaining printing machines are made of 100% cotton to clean ink efficiently.

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Needs assesment and procurement

Based on a jointly performed needs assessment, we will plan together with you the selection of wipers and absorption mats best suited to your company. At the service launch, we will deliver safe and high-quality delivery and collection containers for the products to your facilities. You then get to enjoy the benefits of our service.

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Laundry and maintenance

We will wash and maintain all wipers and absorption mats for you. We will make sure the hazardous waste will be responsibly handled and disposed in accordance with the law.

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We will pick up used wipers for laundry at the same time we deliver you a clean supply.

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We ensure that discarded textiles and the waste they produce will be responsibly handled and disposed of.