Lindström supports UNICEF’s water and sanitation work in India

Over the next three years (2018-2020), Lindström will support UNICEF’s water and sanitation work in India. The partnership not only promotes child rights, but advances the sustainable development goals.
Lindström and UNICEF Finland have had a partnership for over a decade. Clean water has always been in the heart of the co-operation. Lindström has earlier supported UNICEF’s water, sanitation and hygiene programs in the states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. In the new three-year period, Lindström supports thematically the same work all around India.
From these pages you find stories related to our co-operation in India during our partnership for over decade. Find out how UNICEF have had impact in everyday life of children living in India.
Toilets, clean hands and drinking water for children in India
Majority of people in India live in rural areas in primitive conditions, meaning that participating in social development is in the hands of the few.

When we began operating in India 2007, we also wanted to begin supporting less well off people in the country. We started collaboration with UNICEF Finland.
WASH (Water, sanitation and hygiene) project ensures child friendly toilets and hand washing facilities, better hygiene practices and changes in attitude that dissipate far and wide into the community. Having access to safe drinking water, proper sanitation and hygiene facilities is every child’s right.
Pictures ©UNICEF/India 2015/Haru