Lindström’s services enable us to be the best in the field!

At Viking Motors, we believe that if you want to be the best in your field, every detail is important. With our long experience and professional training baggage, the best car specialists in Estonia would not be able to enjoy their job without Lindström, who would take care of their impeccably clean look.

Although workmen’s clothes tend to get dirty during work, we are official car brand representatives and we can’t afford to sit in a client’s car with oily clothing. Lindström is an important backbone for us and an important detail whose diligent team always provides our people with clean workwear. This way, employees never have to worry about washing their work clothes, and every day they can start with clean workwear to provide the best for the customer.

I have a total of 22 years of experience with Lindström’s products and services with two employers, and so far, I have only a lot of praise. I no longer can imagine hiring a person to take care of washing and ironing workwear, or that all the technicians should suddenly take responsibility for the cleanliness of their clothes.

Lindström can always be trusted and often feel that things are moving magically. Clean and right-sized workwear awaits employees in their locker at the beginning of the shift and at the end of the shift, it is very convenient to put them in the laundry bag where Lindström picks up them and takes to the laundry. The clothes are washed, and broken items are repaired and, if necessary, you can quickly add workwear sets so that all employees look the same and professional in the showroom.

The services offered by Lindström help our employees to be clean and representative at any time!

Meelis Pajumägi, After-sales Service Manager

Viking Motors AS

To help you choose the right workwear!

With the help of this mini-guide, you will get it right when it comes to workwear:

  • Buy or rent workwear?
  • How to be sure that you have workwear that complies with legislation?
  • Meeting your industry’s challenges. Every industry requires different functionalities from their workwear.
  • What are the biggest differences between buying or renting?