Lindström as a company

Lindström is one of Europe’s leading textile service companies with over 165 years of experience in the textile industry. We offer solutions for the cleanliness and interior design of facilities, corporate clothing and protection.

Our task is to strengthen the corporate image of our customers and make everyday life easier with the help of our services. The textile services are a cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly way of taking care of a company’s textile needs.

Lindström is a strongly growing international company. It is our goal to expand geographically and to increase our market share in the long term. Success is backed up by strongly conceptualised operations that ensure the quality of operations, uniform service and responsibility in all our countries of operation.

Company values as the mission’s starting point

Lindström’s vision and the means for reaching it, i.e. the strategy, are specified every five years. The company values are observed in the specification of the target state and means leading to it.  The company’s strategic choices and focus points of development are analysed annually by the Management Team. When the vision, mission and strategy are changed, the change and its impacts on daily life are reviewed in workgroups with the personnel.

Mission, i.e. the business ideaLindstrom Missio Visio

Textile service company Lindström strengthens the company image of its customers. Our service makes our customer’s everyday life easier and provides the best value on the market. We are a responsible corporate citizen and a respected employer.

Vision 2020

Solid, half a billion euro company, achieving excellent customer experience with engaged employees.

Caring for our customers

In 2015 we launched the new vision and strategy for Lindström. Hundreds of our employees from over 20 countries and from every part of the organization participated in the strategy work.

Our goal is to create value for our customers in everything we do; we want to take care of our customers, give them the best service and make them proud of working with us. Creating excellent customer experiences lies in the heart of all our operations.

Our strategic cornerstones

Lindström’s strategy is built on four cornerstones: engaged employees, operational excellence, excellent customer experience and growth.


Engaged Employees

We believe that happy employees equals happy customers. We embrace the joy of learning; we continuously develop our leaders and offer new learning opportunities to all our employees. Our goal is that our employees take pride in what they do and that they are empowered to make decisions in their daily work with the customers. Visit our career pages.


Operational excellence

We focus only on doing things that create value for our customers. By being truly local, we know our customers’ business and help them to work at their full potential by ensuring that they get the service when and where they need it. Our service improves our customers’ comfort, safety and efficiency. Visit our service pages.


Excellent customer experience

We are curious about our customers’ business and daily life. We encourage people to innovate together with our customers at every level of the organization. We feel enthusiastic about new solutions which help our customers’ sustainable business growth. We aim to be one step ahead to foresee the future needs of our customers. Visit our customer reference pages.



We grow both organically and through acquisitions. By growing we’re able to provide services either in totally new countries, cities or through new service lines in our existing markets. We continuously develop our sales capabilities to meet the changing needs of our customers even better. Visit our company pages.

Values indicate the direction

Lindström’s operation is guided by its values of profitable growth, long-term customer relationships, responsibility as well as enthusiasm and the joy of learning.

Lindström aims at long-term development of operations as well as the creation of long-term partnerships. Lindström’s decision-making is not guided by growth alone since the objective is to make sustainable solutions that ensure profitable growth.

The impact of the values also shows in business expansion decisions. Business operations are not launched in a country until the personnel and partners whose operations meet the company values and ethical instructions are sourced locally.

The values and their manifestation in daily work are regularly analysed: the values are part of the annual performance appraisal discussions.

Profitable growth

Lindström’s operations are cost-conscious and cost efficient – this guarantees profitable growth. Different projects are prioritized by management according to the overall benefit to the company. Every project must support Lindström’s vision. Decisions are made on a long-term basis, and resources are allocated for supporting growth.


Lindström takes into account the financial, social and environmental influences of its operations. Lindström operates fairly, observes laws and regulations and respects local cultures. As an employer, Lindström is fair and responsible. We require that our suppliers and partners adhere to the same principles.

Long-term customer relationships

Genuine partnership requires mutual confidence, continuous development of operations and mutual benefit in business. Lindström listens to its customers, anticipates the customer’s needs and offers competitive services. We react immediately, without thought, to customer demands.

Enthusiasm and the joy of learning

Good leadership and management, encouraging feedback and training ensure continuous development of Lindström and its personnel. Open, interactive communication generates a good atmosphere for innovations and promotes successful implementation.

Turnover (million €)

Lindström global services

Lindström offers workwear in all its countries of operation and mat services over 10 European countries. In addition, the service selection of the Group includes personal protective equipment, shop towel, hygiene and restaurant textile services as well as the textiles of hotels and the health care industry.


Expertise in the textile field since 1848

Over the course of Lindström’s history, the company has grown from a fabric dyeing house into a laundry and onwards to become a professional in textile renting. The family-owned business with a history dating back more than 165 years has been among the pioneers of its field throughout the years of its operation.